Thursday, May 6, 2010

Strange Arbitrary rules

In America, is seems that we love arbitrary rules. We love to enforce these strange guidelines that don't really come from anywhere. This week, I have had so many experiences with arbitrary rules because it is Greek Week. For those of you who aren't familiar with Ohio University's Greek Week, it's basically a week long competition where fraternities and sororities pair up and participate in different challenges including philanthropy, attendance, speakers, sports and something called Airbands. Airbands is the culmination event and worth the most points. Basically, airbands is a skit that we make up that also has songs and dances. Check out the video below to see my team's Airbands skit which I wrote with my other Greek Week Representatives.

Some of the rules for Airbands are ridiculous! Don't step outside the tape line. Don't clap or make any sound. Enter only from the right and exit only from the left. No cleavage. No shoes. Because of my exasperation and frustration with arbitrary rules for greek week, I'd like to list some arbitrary rules we follow every day in America.

1. Walking on the right side of the sidewalk I don't know how we came up with this, but everyone follows! My roommate Kate Shicks, who I call Gogo, grew up in Japan and doesn't know this custom, so she walks on the left side of the sidewalk and is constantly running into people. As a social experiment, try to defy this rule and see how many people YOU bump into!

2. Showing up 15 minutes lateMy. Biggest. Pet. Peeve. Of. All. Time. Enough said.

3. Facing forward in elevators Try this social experiment sometime. It is so strange that we have been socialized to always face forward in an elevator instead of back or to the side or leaning up against the door...I guess it makes sense to face forward since you will be walking out, but still..who started this and why can't we stop doing it?

4. Waiting until everyone has their food to eat I understand social graces, but sometimes I've waited 20 minutes for my food! Why is it that we are willing to sacrifice the warmth of our food and our tremendous hunger so someone else doesn't have to watch us eat for a couple more minutes? And then they're so shocked when you wait, it's like uhh...what did you expect me to do? I've been socialized by American culture.

5. Denying help the first time offered Man, it is hard to get more stubborn than this. Why is it that we just cannot accept help the first time, but almost always accept help the second time offered. I do this all the time! No, no really I'm fine with this 40 lb. box, I can totally handle it, I am good...alright if you insist!! If we know we're going to say yes eventually, why not just say yes the first time?


  1. I couldn't watch the video because my laptop is overheating right now, but that airband thing sounds crazy.

    As for the rules:

    1. No one in Athens seems to follow this. They just walk in lines and block the whole sidewalk, forcing me into the grass. I get moody about this daily. I'm also a really fast walker; so, I always have to pass people, and I usually can't because they're stampeding about in slow clusters. Grrr.

    2. I always try to be 15 minutes early. Ha-ha!

    3.I never face the front. I'm always sideways...

    4. Whenever I wait for people to eat, I always get told to eat. Hmm...

    5. Ha-ha! Yea, that one I follow.


    Maybe I'm just socially inept.


  2. haha I am totally with you on some of these! I am a crazy fast walker and I get furious when my speed is determined by others, I just want to yell at them to move to the side! Haha Airbands is RIDICULOUS! You should try to watch the skit someime because it really is quite awesome :) I am also one who is always early no matter what, but my roommate Shelby who I posted about a few times ago is ALWAYS like 20 minutes late and it just infuriates me! So I cannot be bothered with people who are late haha
